Caramelized Onion-Veggie Burger []

The benefits in heating mushrooms are many. For example, regular consumption of mushrooms helps improve nutrition and weight management. The presence of beta and alpha glucans molecules in the mushrooms are responsible for maintaining the health of your immune system. The mushrooms also supply your body with necessary amounts of vitamin D. A number of threats that arise from medical conditions like strokes, renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma can be effectively negated by consuming mushrooms on a regular basis. The regular consumption of whole wheat, on the other hand, provides your body with many essential nutrients like iron, copper, zinc, phosphorous, calcium, folic acid, vitamin E, B3, B2, and B1.Whole wheat also contains appreciable amounts of fiber that help us during metabolic processes. Goat cheese has been included in this recipe because it is low in calories and is considered good for your brain, improve metabolic rate and supplies your body with lots of calcium and protein.


